10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Shane McMahon

Just why did Shane up and leave WWE so suddenly in 2009?

By John Canton /

Shane McMahon was supposed to be guy to lead WWE after his father Vince got too old or passed away. Instead, he is the guy that left the company over five years ago and hasn't had much of anything to do with WWE since he shockingly left. He had job security for life, yet he chose to walk away.


Now 45-years-old with a wife and three sons, Shane has distanced himself from WWE so much that a lot of people wonder if he's even on good terms with his family. Apparently he is still close with the family according to a 2014 Buzzfeed article, but it's his sister Stephanie and husband Triple H that are working with Vince on a daily basis to help steer the ship.

Fans loved Shane from the time he became a regular on-air performer in 1998 to his crazy matches in the 2000s (and some very good promos along the way, too). He served many roles in his career while earning the respect of everybody that watched him. Why was the son of a billionaire falling off 40 foot objects and bumping through tables?


Because he loved it and we loved him for it.

He may never set foot WWE TV again and that's okay, because he gave us a lot of memories along the way. Plus, with an estimated worth in the $40 million range plus some successful businesses in China, Shane is likely enjoying life out of the spotlight. Some of those great memories of him should be celebrated while others are the kind of things that WWE may not be as happy about today.


With that in mind, here are ten things WWE wants us to forget about "Shane-O-Mac", Shane McMahon.