10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE SummerSlam

Including the ill-fated Jackass versus WWE planned feud.

By Lewis Howse /

WWE's annual summer spectacular is only a few weeks away and speculation is already rife as to what is going to go down on the show. Who will win the Undertaker versus Brock Lesnar match? Will Sting wrestle? Are John Cena and Seth Rollins going to unify the United States and WWE World Heavyweight Championships? Seeing as it's one of the biggest shows of the year, it's no surprise that fans like to speculate about what could or could not go down on the show. Before the WWE Network cannibalised the company's PPV business, SummerSlam was the third biggest event of the year, after Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. Even in these Network Era times, SummerSlam has still managed to maintain its aura, probably because it usually provides good entertainment value and talking points. In the last few years we've been treated to such memorable moments as Lesnar's destruction job of John Cena, Daniel Bryan's WWE Title win/Triple H heel turn and Alberto Del Rio cashing in his Money in the Bank contract on CM Punk. Yes, SummerSlam is known for providing shocking moments on-screen, but off-screen things are usually just as interesting and/or surprising. Here are ten things that you (probably) didn't know about WWE SummerSlam.