10 Times WWE Retconned EVERYTHING

Remember that big WWE match/angle/plot point? Good, because Vince McMahon doesn't!

By Jamie Kennedy /

Pro wrestling enjoys f*cking with your mind.


This isn't just something that's exclusive to WWE, obviously, but Vince McMahon's company throws up the most notable examples because of its stature. Close lieutenants like Bruce Prichard and Jim Ross have also revealed, via their podcasts, that McMahon hasn't always given a toss about recent history.

Once, Prichard put on his best Vinnie Mac voice to say: 'They won't remember that anyway, pal!'. The boss was referring to a pesky plot hole that was brought up during one of WWE's creative meetings - to McMahon, it wasn't something they had to worry about. Fans wouldn't remember anyway, right?


Wrestling fans recall almost everything, and they're certainly not going to forget the way iconic characters were introduced. Revisionist history is common in wrasslin' circles though, especially in WWE. Workers have gone from attempted murderers in storyline to....yeah, let's not talk about that. Just watch the dude shake his butt and show off his Hall Of Fame ring!

That's just one example. Here are some of the best times WWE retconned the hell out of their own product before your very eyes...

10. Edge & Christian Are Brothers?

This is a pretty famous one.


Countless WWE fans probs thought they were going crazy when Edge and Christian suddenly started talking about their childhood friendship years after teaming up. Well erm... of course you were friends - you guys were brothers, no? No. The whole 'they're siblings' thing has been squashed flat over the years.

The problem? WWE clearly presented Edge and Christian as brothers onscreen from 1998 onwards. Christian's 2001 turn on Edge was said to be so dastardly because he was stabbing family in the back, for crying out loud. Then, maybe post-retirement for Edge, the pair suddenly became pals instead of blood relatives.

WWE's announcers ploughed forwards with the mates gig from that point on. Even Edge and Christian themselves openly discussed being pals as kids on TV, and it was like the brothers thing had never happened.

It didn't happen. You, dear reader, just made it up in your own mind. Ahem.
