10 Times WWE Retconned EVERYTHING

9. A “First Time Ever” Match

Kane Promo

Hype for Triple H's match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXVII was awesome. The way both guys stared one another down before turning at exactly the right moment to glance at the big neon 'Mania sign was priceless, and so was Hunter claiming that he'd end 'Taker's then-proud unbeaten streak and avenge Shawn Michaels.

It's a pity that WWE totally f*cked the thing for older fans though, eh?

Build for 'Mania XXVII left out one crucial topic: Trips vs. 'Taker had already happened on the biggest card of the year. In fact, it was one of the main matches presented at WrestleMania X-Seven a full decade earlier. WWE didn't bother to mention that even once before the 2011 showdown.

Weirdly, 'The Game' spoke freely about 'Mania X-Seven 24 hours after XXVII on Raw. That clashed with commentary claims that these icons were about to square off at WrestleMania for the "first time ever". Yeah, what a waste of time that fib was.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.