10 Times WWE Ruined Their Own Ideas IMMEDIATELY

Tables, ladders and...DISAPPOINTMENT.

By Jamie Kennedy /


They just can't help it.


One minute, WWE have an idea in mind that's so good they'd be forgiven for trading high-fives around the table during creative meetings. The next, such merriment has turned to knowing glances between the staff as they ponder how to rescue something they've just sh*t all over with stupid decision making and one wrong turn. Sometimes, that's all it takes to spoil something.

The unique pressures that come with being part of such a fast-paced world must explain some of this. WWE's minds have to come up with so many ideas every single week that even they probably couldn't tell you exactly what they first had in mind. That pressure does funny things to the creative system, and it can cause previously-fine ideas and pitches to turn sour almost overnight.


Signature matches for individual wrestlers? Ruined. Hot storylines that could carry the company's output for a good six months at least? Quickly trod on so that week's Raw had purpose. Bold new directions for once-proud match types that grow into their own thing? Totally spoiled by overkill.

No, they just can't help it...
