10 Unsolved WWE Mysteries

Remember when Roman Reigns tried to murder Braun Strowman? WWE don't...

By Jamie Kennedy /


Enjoying pro wrestling requires the viewer to suspend their disbelief and go along for the ride. Gritty, realistic dramas filled with memorable moments, like Austin vs. McMahon or the stunning rise of Daniel Bryan, make that easy. Storylines like D-Generation X stumbling upon 'The Little People's Court' do not.


WWE played this one for laughs, no doubt, but at no point did the company even try to explain why Hornswoggle (and an entire community of similarly-sized humans) lived freely in a magical world underneath Monday Night Raw's ring.

Once Triple H and Shawn Michaels left this mystical realm, it was completely forgotten about, and that's not the only time WWE have left mysteries unsolved.


Occasionally, WWE's writers just put angles in a box, hide them away and pretend the little details are unimportant. They're not; they're the kind of things that keep attentive fans up at night wondering aloud why they were even written if WWE didn't have closure in mind...