10 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE WrestleMania V

Make WrestleMania Great Again.

By Michael Hamflett /


It was a different time.


Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan's mammoth main event isn't entirely about the ownership of The Mega Powers' former manager Miss Elizabeth, but there's more than a whisper of that in the mid-match angle in which she's harassed all the way backstage. Savage was the man in the wrong even if he was throwing his better half in the line of fire. Fire being the operative word, because this show set the box offices ablaze.

Of note but not in a way that'll feature here, Jimmy Snuka returned to WWE after years in the (not literal, despite what they'd probably have you believe) wilderness, His first WrestleMania appearance since the inaugural 'Show Of Shows' was greeted with a muted response because the industry had moved on without him, not because people had either knowledge or particular interest in his alleged misdeeds.


It was a different time.

(Playing catch-up? Here are WrestleMania I, 2, III and IV's Ups & Downs)
