10 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Nov 2nd)

Survivor Series comes early to Raw, while the Divas Revolution finally connects.

By Scott Carlson /

OK, it€™s time for someone at WWE Headquarters to fess up: Who locked the writing staff away and hired a new team? How are they distracting Vince McMahon from making last-minute changes to the Raw script? Clearly, these things must be happening, because for the second week in a row, WWE delivered a solid, entertaining episode of Raw that actually cruised along and didn€™t feel like a three-hour show. Credit where credit is due, WWE put forward a show that minimized backstage antics and focused on logical (well, using wrestling logic) developments, such as a fatal fourway to crown a new number one contender for the Divas Championship (a formula that worked well last week for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship). Bray Wyatt returned, but he wasn€™t alone. He was hauling along some remnants from the Undertaker and Kane. But the highlight of the night was a 5-on-5 Survivor Series elimination match for the Raw main event that featured a surprise return, solid in-ring action and some fun interactions between teammates before and during the match. That was a great way to close out Raw, as it furthered some angles and reminded fans of how much fun those elimination matches can be if done well. So what was the sole survivor and what got pinned by a clothesline? Let€™s get to it€
