10 Ways Triple H Has Transformed WWE In Just One Month

Sweeping WWE changes are happening right under your nose now Vince McMahon is gone.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Vince McMahon's ironclad grip on all things WWE has loosened, and Triple H is steering the company towards a brave new future full of things that'd likely make the retired boss throw up. Such is life - 'The Game' calls the shots now, and he's already implementing tangible changes on major shows like Raw and SmackDown.


They were long overdue.

Anyone who has suffered through interminable episodes of Raw over the past decade could tell you that things needed a shakeup. It's been just over one month since Vince announced his retirement on 22 July, and things under Hunter's watch are already taking shape.

These are early days too. It's unlikely that Triple H has been able to change everything he wants to, but his first month or so in the WWE hot seat has been promising. Need proof? This list provides it. These are the biggest, best and often most-shocking ways a Vinnie Mac-less company has shifted gears.

Would McMahon have put his own personal stamp of approval on any of it? Probably not. Trips has started to transform his baby into a brand new animal.

10. More In-Ring Wrestling

The amount of wrestling fans get per hour of top-tier programming like Raw and SmackDown has skyrocketed since Trips took the helm. Brandon Thurston of Wrestlenomics took the time to collate data that proves it; the 15 August Raw, for example, featured 75 minutes of in-ring action.


That's approx 25 mins per hour of air time, which is up from staggering lows of just 12 minutes per hour on the 4 April broadcast. In other words, Hunter has put way more emphasis on actual grappling, which is way more in line with what fans want to see when they tune into core programming.

Of course, people expect to see promos, angles and shenanigans whenever they watch too, but WWE seemed to forget that it's a pro wrestling company under Vince. Thankfully, it looks like Triple H wants to put that right and restore some balance whilst still maintaining the "sports entertainment" style drama.

Bring it on.
