10 Ways Triple H Has Transformed WWE In Just One Month

9. Stories Are Less Erratic

Triple H WWE

Pro wrestling thrives when stories are over-the-top and engaging, but it sinks when those narratives veer towards too much awkward comedy or a suicidal lack of focus and/or continuity. Bruce Prichard once revealed, via his podcast, that Vince didn't think most viewers cared about minor details so long as they were entertained.

Fair enough, but what's the point in telling a story if you shift the pieces every two seconds without any rhyme or reason? That only leads to disinterest, especially once fans realise that their engagement won't be rewarded. Since McMahon retired, there's been a concerted effort to stop such stop/start erratic b*llocks.

Stories have been simplified, and that's far from a bad thing. Wrestling is at its best when feuds are easy to follow but laced with several swings in momentum - then, come bell time, peeps want to see Wrestler A and Wrestler B boot the living p*ss out of each other.

Triple H understands that formula.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.