10 Ways WWE Could Improve Hall Of Fame

What can WWE do to upgrade the integrity, credibility and perception of the institution housing its highest honor?

By Matt Davis /

For many fans, current superstars and former wrestlers, WrestleMania Eve is often their favorite night of the year because of the WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony and what it has become. It's grown from the mid-90s and the days of banquets strictly celebrating long-retired wrestlers that still worked for WWE in various backstage roles to what it is today. These days, it's an integral part of WrestleMania weekend that fills 20,000 seat arenas honouring way more than just the McMahon inner circle. In addition to honouring WWE legends, the Hall Of Fame now recognizes individuals and groups that go beyond WWE like the Four Horsemen and Fabulous Freebirds as well as celebrities and non-wrestlers with their introduction of the Warrior Award. Last year's ceremony was a perfect example of how great certain aspects of the Hall Of Fame can be. From Rikishi dancing to Dana Warrior and Daniel Bryan discussing the memories of Warrior and Connor The Crusher, followed by Alundra Blazye's incredible speech and topped off with The Bushwhackers' light-hearted humour, those in attendance experienced nearly every emotion possible all within a couple hours. But there's more to the Hall Of Fame then just the ceremony itself, and for as far as the institution has come since 1993, there's still plenty room for improvement. What are the biggest improvements that can be made to the WWE's Hall Of Fame? I have an inkling...
