10 Worst TNA X Division Champions Ever

'It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits'. And no common sense, apparently...

By John Bills /

This past Sunday, the TNA X Division Championship celebrated its 14th birthday. The title has seen many ups and downs over those 14 years, but it is clear to all who have watched TNA during that time that it has long been the highlight of that particular company's programming.


Indeed, it was the X Division that provided TNA with its highest peak, as AJ Styles defeated then-champion Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe at Unbreakable 2005 to win the title in what is regarded as TNA's greatest ever match. Some illustrious names have held the title, from those three men to Chris Sabin, Austin Aries, Jerry Lynn and Johnny Devine.

Wait a second, Johnny Devine? Yeah, the list of names to have held the title isn't exactly 35 for 35 when it comes to greatness. Even when certain Olympic heroes have held the title, it has been for terrible reasons and led to the strap being devalued as a result.

TNA has a history of putting their championships on some pretty questionable performers, whether it was Pacman Jones winning the tag titles or The Band winning those same straps in 2010. The X Division has not avoided this, unfortunately. Here are the 10 worst champions in X Division history.

10. Eric Young

This is less for the man holding the belt and more for the reign, but Eric Young's X Division Championship reign in 2008 lasted all of zero days.


The division was thinner than thin at the time, with Sheik Abdul Bashir the champion and not many challengers outside of crazy ol' Eric Young. This amounted to a number of X Division matches that didn't feature any real excitement, just two smaller guys working a heavyweight style.

EY won the title at Final Resolution in 2008 after some heavy-handed assistance from the referee, and subsequently had it ripped from his hands by Jim Cornette just moments later. Young didn't make it into the final of the tournament held to establish a new champion, and never really came close to winning the title again.

A great talent, but a poor X Division Champion.
