10 WrestleMania 31 Matches Seriously Being Discussed Right Now

What are WWE planning for March 29 in Santa Clara?

By Hugh Firth /

WrestleMania 31 is a few short months away. For wrestling fans, the inevitable seasonal creative lull of winter is almost at an end as we move onto the Royal Rumble and the most important season of them all €“ WrestleMania Season. It€™s the time old fans come back and current fans get re-energised as the roster gears up for big fights and the returning heroes, well, take the spotlight from them. Every year the WWE likes to plant little seeds throughout the months as to potential match-ups that could take place at the big one. Sometimes the booking might be a little ad hoc (did anyone predict Orton v Batista v Bryan this time last year for WrestleMania XXX?) but when it comes to the marquee matches, often plans are in place months beforehand. This list will look at ten potential match-ups being discussed right now. Maybe these discussions have come from interactions during televised programming, maybe they are rumours that seem to have a level of credibility, either way, they are matches that realistically could happen. Also, as with all plans at an early stage, the same wrestlers might pop up several times because, if you€™ve got a big name, you want to give them the biggest match. Without further ado, here are the 10 WrestleMania 31 Matches Seriously Being Discussed Right Now...