10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

What on earth were WWE thinking with the nickname, 'Booger Red'?

By Jamie Kennedy /

More often than not, nicknames in wrestling are designed to show off personality traits or physical characteristics in performers. The idea - generally - is to ensure that a wrestler has a better chance of connecting with the audience. An excellent nickname allows people to know exactly what a character is all about, and should ideally sound cool into the bargain. Some of the most iconic examples are ones like 'The Rattlesnake', which perfectly encapsulated what Steve Austin's 'Stone Cold' character was all about. Similarly, 'The Game' helped Triple H finally become accepted as part of the WWF main event scene towards the end of the 1990's. Those weren't the only nicknames both men had, but some simply aren't as memorable as others. That's what is focused on here, those nicknames given to WWF/WWE stars that - for whatever reason - just didn't stick. Perhaps the creative team decided to move a character in a different direction, or maybe the nickname was horrible. Whatever the case, these monikers didn't have a lengthy shelf life, and most aren't used at all today. Bret Hart's 'Excellence Of Execution' and The Rock's title of being the 'Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment' rank amongst the best, but the nicknames included in this article have lost since passed into history.
