10 Wrestler Nicknames You Totally Forgot About

10. The Cerebral Assassin (Triple H)

This is exactly the kind of moniker Triple H could be doing with today. As the leader of The Authority, the man often passes between playing heel and babyface with alarming regularity. Therefore it's truly difficult for fans to either love or loathe the man outright, because his character isn't pinned down and heading in one solid direction. Things were different years ago. Becoming the top villain on the WWF roster, Triple H finally lived up his potential in 1999. As calendars turned to the new millennium, 'The Game' became one of the top heels in the industry. Looking to add another string to his bow, the company gave him a new nickname. Jim Ross was the first to dub Triple H as 'The Cerebral Assassin'. This was supposed to showcase his evil genius in 2000-2001. In other words, Triple H was a thinking man's wrestler. He'd break down his opponents physically and mentally, but the name didn't really stick around once the man started winding down his full-time in-ring career. Most commonly, Triple H is known as 'The Game' or 'The King Of Kings'. These days, he's rarely referred to as 'The Cerebral Assassin'.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.