10 Wrestlers That Only Seemed Cool When You Were A Kid

Cringe at your Ultimate Warrior doll at the back of your wardrobe.

By Walter Lyng /

If you've been a wrestling fan for a long time, you can probably think back to your youth and remember who stood out as some of your favourite performers. Some of these wrestlers may have withstood the test of time, going down in the history books as true legends. Others wrestlers who you thought were amazing as a kid may not have aged as gracefully. As a matter of fact, some wrestlers may have only seemed cool because you were but an innocent babe, not yet jaded by years of mediocrity and the collective criticism of smarks.


Tastes change with age and time and this is certainly true with pro-wrestling appreciation. While outlandish and outrageous gimmicks may have appealed to our pre-pubescent mindset, in retrospect we may look back at some of these guys as sub-par performers who were nothing more than one trick ponies hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

While many wrestlers can be written off as simply overrated, this collection of grapplers from the past and present belong in that specific category of performers who really aren€™t all that appealing to fans past the age of 12.


And, of course, a preemptive apology to any readers offended by any selection.