10 Wrestlers Wasting Their Life In WWE

2022 is already looking like a wasted year for these WWE men and women.

By Jamie Kennedy /

First off, some housekeeping.


Nobody is suggesting that any of the men and women on this list should jump in the opposite direction of a guaranteed pay check. It was only a few short years ago that the world seemed an uncertain, scary place, so it'd be outright stupid of any wrestling writer to think he knows what's best financially for the people out there doing it.

However, should these wrestlers have a right good think about where they're going in WWE and what the rest of 2022 holds? Bloody right they should. They're all going nowhere fast, and it must be mentally draining to sit there in catering and wonder why the hell opportunities aren't coming their way or why TV time is so limited.

The blame game is easy in this industry. 'Oh, creative has nothing for you'. 'Oh, Wrestler A can't talk as well as Wrestler B, so B got the nod instead'. All of that is fair game, but a pity party only lasts so long. At some stage, everyone here has to ponder what it'd be like to ply their trade elsewhere.

Can someone penning articles about rasslin' rightly pitch someone walking away from money? No. Can they question what's next creatively? Absolutely.

Let's get stuck in.

10. Drew Gulak

If you've played WWE 2K22, then you already know a thing or two about how much charisma Drew Gulak has. His in-game tutorial section is a riot, and it shows so much personality that WWE top brass never let fans see. One has to wonder why that is, and why poor Drew is rarely featured when he can talk like that.


Now, nobody's suggesting that the 2K22 gig was Jake Roberts at 'Mania VI promo goodness, but it was colourful and fun. Meanwhile, when Gulak is allowed to be on camera for SmackDown, he's hidden away in the background as a mute extra.

It's rubbish, and it's a waste of his time.

This guy could wrestle rings around more than half the workers on the current roster too. He's damn talented technically, and that recent video game role proved he has way more to offer. Standing around admiring Xavier Woods' new crown isn't nearly enough.
