10 Wrestlers Who Are Too Crazy For Their Own Good

All wrestlers are a little bit crazy, but some take it further than others.

By Stuart Iversen /

To become a professional wrestler, you probably need to be at least a little bit unhinged. You are signing yourself up for a life of travelling the world, throwing yourself to the ground, and engaging in pre-determined conflict for a paying audience. It’s no normal way to live.


However, even in this madcap industry, there is crazy and then there is crazy. There are those who are just pro-wrestlers, and then there are those who dive through panes of glass and beat each other with light tubes. And then there are those who enter an arena and instantly start looking around for the biggest thing to jump off of. They take wrestling crazy and bump it up a notch or two.

It's all because of the fans. Wrestling followers love that attitude. They love the wrestlers who are willing to take a risk. Whether that is going to the top rope or to the top of a cage, they will get excited for it every time. Yet, when you step back, you can’t help but worry. There’s only so many times your body can crash to the ground before it has had enough.

Is it possible that these people are too crazy for their own good?

10. Jimmy Havoc

The UK’s very own King of the Deathmatch ironically came to a lot of people’s attention in a storyline that saw him move away from hardcore wrestling. The now legendary 'Regression' of Jimmy Havoc put PROGRESS on the map, and Jimmy’s eventual heel turn into the evil bastard who still holds their record for longest title reign was beautifully done.


Yet, with that in the past, you can’t help but love Jimmy Havoc. He’s an utter madman, but he does it with style. Only recently did he compete at Alexandra Palace in a deathmatch in which he came to the ring dressed all in white (his standard attire for when he plans on getting bloody) wielding an axe. It should be ridiculous, we all know he was unlikely to murder Mark Haskins, but Havoc pulls it off.

Sadly however, that charisma doesn’t save him from the fact that the bumps he takes in the ring look like they hurt, a lot. Havoc has shown a willingness to put his body on the line and the sight of him busted open is familiar to most, while those scars certainly aren’t fake. Havoc is a great wrestler and when he goes hardcore he does it better than nearly anyone. Let’s just hope he doesn’t regret that decision somewhere down the line.
