10 Wrestlers Who Could Win Their First World Title In 2021

Pro wrestling needs a lift. Can these men and women finally climb the highest mountain in 2021?

By John Bills /

2020 has been a year to forget. Such terms have been thrown around for months now but they remain as pertinent as ever, especially in the pro wrestling world. What should have been a year of special moments for hard-working men and women became a year of hollow success and dream-come-true moments that underwhelmed. If you defeat Brock Lesnar in five minutes at WrestleMania to win your first world title, you deserve thousands of people to celebrate with you, after all.


Will 2021 be better? It can't really be any worse, but blind optimism is a dangerous drug in pro wrestling. Still, a new generation of men and woman are ready to ascend to the top of the mountain, to win top-tier championships for the first time, empty arenas be damned.

Who will do so in 2021? It is easy to guess but difficult to know. World Championships aren't easy to win, no matter how many Randy Orton seems to have racked up. We may only see a couple of major championship changes in 2021.

But when these prestigious championships do change hands, expect them to find their way into the palms of a new generation of stars.

10. Dominick Mysterio

When the clock struck midnight and 2019 became 2020, few critics or fans expected Dominick Mysterio to be one of WWE's breakout stars of the year. The boy himself probably had his doubts. You'd have been offered very long odds on 'Dominick Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins' being one of the highlights of SummerSlam, but that is just what transpired. 2020 has been very, very strange.


Will Dominick's prodigious rise continue in 2021? It might be too soon for a WWE or Universal Championship run but one should never say never in WWE, especially with a company this obsessed with setting new records and celebrating the achievements of its legends, in this case the offspring of a legend. Putting a world title on Dominick Mysterio in 2021 would be a little hasty, but stranger things have definitely happened in this rocky sea.

If Dominick continues to progress as he has then WWE could have a very special talent on its hands. There is a long way to go on this journey but Mysterio Jr. has done nothing to feed the doubters as of yet. It isn't likely, but it very well could happen.
