10 Wrestlers Who Ditched Their Terrible Ring Names

Whatcha gonna do when Sterlingmania runs wild on you?!

By Elliott Binks /


Not every wrestler has the kind of ring name you can envisage in bright lights at the top of a WrestleMania card. In fact, some of them have names that you wouldn’t envisage seeing on any type of card whatsoever.


Just ask Bill DeMott, previously been known as Hugh Morrus as well as Hugh G. Rection - or James Dick and his brother Chad, who were collectively known as the Dicks for a brief time on SmackDown back in 2006.

Thankfully, though, some guys have had the wherewithal to change those names and roll with something a little more credible. Or at least, a little more credible within the context of a world built around scripted feuds and predetermined fights.

Not only that, but many of these guys who ditched their terrible ring names have since gone on to become some of the biggest names in the entire industry - icons like Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker or John Cena, just to name small a handful...

10. G.I. Bro - Booker T

Years before becoming a five-time WCW Champion, Booker T came up with the name G.I. Bro.


As the name might suggest, it was a military-type gimmick, but the specific use of the word "bro" has led to some people deeming it a racist one. In actuality, though, Booker was very much in favour of the name, hoping he could use the gimmick to "to break down the barriers and portray a black hero in a sport that has promoted negative racial stereotypes throughout its history."

Of course, those plans would fall through when Booker’s singles push was curtailed in favour of a tag team pairing with his real-life brother, Stevie Ray, prompting him to simply roll with his real name instead.

The G.I. Bro gimmick may have seemed relevant at the time, but in hindsight it just sounds overly corny, and a far inferior alternative to his birth name of Booker T. Huffman.

Not that this stopped Vince Russo from having Booker revive the gimmick in WCW in 2000. Of course, receiving the Russo seal of approval isn't necessarily a good thing, as was very much the case here.
