10 Wrestlers Who Mock You For Taking It Seriously

Truth be told, few fanbases are as easy to mock as us lovers of professional wrestling.

By John Bills /

Is there any industry like this? Professional wrestling seems to attract more negative fans than anything else, with the possible exception of Arsenal FC and Toronto Maple Leafs. Are you even a wrestling fan if you don't spend copious amounts of time complaining about the sport? We can be an abominable lot, us grap-lovers.


Every now and then the dam breaks and pro wrestling superstars let out all of their frustrations, mocking the fans for being so, well, ridiculous. More often than not these tirades now take place on Twitter, with the convenience and ease of broadcasting too simple an opportunity for the social media-savvy wrestlers of today to miss. Throw in the constant interviews and eternal conveyer belt of backlash and you've got a toxic brew, ready to mock those who keep the industry afloat with pennies and pounds.

It is incorrect to say that any of these stars hates the fans, even if that sentence might be true from time to time. Still, they aren't afraid to pull back the curtain from time to time, showcasing disdain and irritation on an enormous scale.

10. Al Snow

"They're (Wrestling fans) the goofiest bunch of people I ever met, I genuinely hate them. I really do. I love the fact that they're fans, but I hate them."


Tell us how you really feel, Al. Former WWE European Champion Al Snow has clarified those comments in recent times but the animosity remains. Much of Snow's irritation towards the fans was understandable. The 'opinions are like assholes' cliche has never been more true than now and is never more apt than when used to describe professional wrestling fans. Is there an industry so despised by its own supporters?

Still, the vehement disdain frequently shown towards the fans doesn't exactly make Snow the most sympathetic of characters. He doesn't really need to be, his race is run after all, but the former Leif Cassidy does seem to pop up every now and then with a scathing comment directed at the paying fans of professional wrestling.

Too much information has spoiled entertainment. That's the gist, right? It is difficult to stand behind such a theory when other wrestling promotions manage to conjure up such love and attention, but each to their own.
