10 Wrestlers Who Purposefully Deceived Promoters

Kidding the kidders.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Professional wrestling is a deceitful business.


It's built on kidology, and it's a deceptively competitive industry behind the scenes. Hundreds of men and women have lined their pockets with millions of dollars by pulling ye olde proverbial wool over the eyes of both peers and fans alike with their antics.

Of course, most people are willing to go along with the ride, largely because there's more fun in suspending one's disbelief and enjoying the act. Speaking of disbelief, it's not only their fellow workers or the fans paying their wages that some wrestlers toy with during their careers. Promoters, who are guilty of deceit themselves and cannot complain when they get some back, also get played when workers believe it's necessary.


There are loads of examples of times wrestlers decided to tell a little fib (or sometimes a big one) in order to get what they wanted. Often, it's about money, though there are times when disrespect was dealt back tenfold. It's times like these that prove pro wrestlers can be selfish, manipulative and crafty buggers who don't mind ditching the old if new reaps bigger rewards.

Master manipulators assemble...
