10 Wrestlers Who Were Stuck In Midcard Purgatory

You can only win so many Intercontinental Championships before the fun stops.

By John Bills /


Professional wrestling promotions are a lot like the food chain. At the bottom are the jobbers, the talent whose sole purpose is to lose matches and make those above them look like a million dollars. Those at the top often do look like a million dollars, helped no end by their perceived position as the best of the best.


Over the course of an individual's career, most wrestlers will flow between the two ends of the scale, starting at the bottom before heading to the top and eventually moving back towards the bottom. The glory of world championships will taste sweeter with the knowledge and memory of frequently staring at the lights.

Stuck in the middle of all this are the midcarders. Midcarders come in all shapes and sizes, but they all tend to share that one almost depressing characteristic; too good for enhancement, but missing something for the big money.


Of course all of this comes down to perception, as with enough booking effort WWE can make anyone a star. Some individuals seem to get stuck in what is referred to as midcard purgatory, forever watching men and women pass them on either side.

Here are 10 WWE wrestlers that were/are stuck in midcard purgatory.
