10 Wrestlers WWE Have Wasted Since WrestleMania 33

How did it end up like this?

By David Cambridge /

It's been approximately 10 months since the wrestling world descended on Orlando for WrestleMania 33, a show that promised implicitly to usher in a brave new WWE era.


While many of the night's biggest draws were pushing 50, the faces that emerged with victory were almost exclusively young (Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens) and/or fresh (AJ Styles, The Hardy Boyz).

In the time since, however, a lot of the potential has been squandered. One or two newcomers have been given their chance to shine, but too many others are struggling for air; the victims of aimless or straight-up damaging booking.

This is evidence both of the company's biggest strength - its incredibly deep and talented roster - and weakness, their frustrating inability to use it. They have a lot of wrestlers vying for a place in the main event, but few of them stand out from the crowd.

To remedy this, you'd normally prescribe loosening the Vince McMahon shackles and letting the crowd drive the direction of the product. But this is 2018 - we're better off praying to The Undertaker.

10. Mojo Rawley

Mojo Rawley winning WrestleMania 33's pre-show battle royal had less to do with an imminent push for the 31-year-old than it did the opportunity to get The New England Patriots' Rob Gronkowski some camera time.


While the likes of Baron Corbin and, to a slightly lesser extent, Cesaro have in recent years used the Andre The Giant Memorial Trophy as a launchpad for greater things, Mojo finds himself in almost the exact same spot as he was before he got his hands on it.

To a lot of fans, there isn't much call for complaint. The former football star doesn't strike many as a potential main event player anyway, and a middling tag team with Zack Ryder was probably exactly the spot in which he belonged.

That's all well and good, but in that case why even give him a big 'Mania win the first place? There were plenty of others in that match who could have done with the rub, not least of all Jason Jordan, whose sudden billing as a bright young thing might have been better received with some proper build-up.
