10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

As crazy as some of these sound, they're facts nobody will soon forget!

By Jamie Kennedy /

In 2015, it's difficult to surprise professional wrestling fans. Grappling enthusiasts have almost seen it all over the years, something which only makes it even more difficult for those writing storylines and creating new characters - wrestling isn't exempt from the same problems facing the film and music industries, both of which struggle to think up interesting new ways to keep people coming back. Originality may be a problem within the wrestling spectrum, but that doesn't mean there aren't still things we don't know about the business. With the advent of the shoot interview becoming popular in the 1990's, more stories than ever were leaked out into the public domain, whether by bitter ex-employees, or those with nothing to lose. Even in modern times, there are little known tidbits of information which are released, raising eyebrows the world over. This list takes into account ten such instances which have taken place over the past week. These fresh pieces of information may be known to a handful of people, but they're weren't common knowledge amongst wrestling fans, until now. From aborted creative ideas, to fans turning on once-popular wrestlers, here are 10 facts wrestling fans at large didn't know last week.