10 WWE Gimmicks I Loved (That Everybody Else Hated)

Screw everyone else, these guys ruled...

By John Canton /

WWE.comA successful wrestling gimmick that most fans loved would be guys like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and others of that stature. What about the ones that may have failed for one reason or another, but that you liked even though the character was a failure in a lot of ways? We all have them. These characters could be of interest to you because maybe they're from the same country, maybe they sound like your maybe you just want to like something that's different from how you are. It doesn't matter what the reason is. If you're a fan you're allowed to like who you want and what you want. That's the best thing about being a wrestling fan. Thanks to wrestlingforum.com for the idea. If you read WhatCulture.com regularly then you know we don't do a lot of personal lists, but the editors have afforded me the opportunity because it's such a fun idea. Please feel free to mention any gimmicks that you loved that others didn't like as much. We all have them. Don't be shy! Most of my choices are going to be more recent. There are guys from the 1980s and early 1990s that I remember too, but it's hard to know if they were popular with others or not. At least with the more recent performers I can judge them based on how I know people react to them in the online wrestling community. With that in mind, here are ten gimmicks that I loved that everybody else (or at least a lot of people) seemed to hate.