10 WWE Gimmicks I Loved (That Everybody Else Hated)

10. Matt Striker On Commentary

WWE.comWWE.comCommentators have gimmicks. All of them do. When WWE added Matt Striker to commentary he provided a fresh voice. It was somebody new. Some fans really HATED Matt Striker on commentary in WWE. Not me, especially when he was a heel. It was a role that was actually perfect for a guy like him because he's a lifelong wrestling fan with encyclopedic knowledge of the business that really should have thrived in that role. The powers that be didn't seem to agree and a lot of fans felt like he was a bad fit. It also felt like Jerry Lawler wasn't a big fan of his either. There was a memorable moment that seemed to hurt him at the 2011 Royal Rumble when he said "I'm marking out bro" as Booker T surprisingly returned to WWE. That was frowned upon because the phrase "marking out" is more of an insider or smart wrestling term that shouldn't be used on a wrestling broadcast. It really shouldn't have been a big deal, but it turned out that it was. It was less than a month later when he was taken off commentary. They really could have used a heel color commentator at that point. Striker should have been that guy. Instead, WWE continued to make Michael Cole the heel announcer even though he was supposed to be the play by play guy. Striker could have been great as a commentator in WWE. It's not a popular opinion, but it's my feeling that WWE missed a huge opportunity with him.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.