10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Jan 17)

A possible reunion of The Shield? It will happen some day.

By John Canton /

It was a newsworthy week for the WWE Universe thanks to a return of a favorite wrestler and the announcement of a new Hall of Famer. Daniel Bryan returned to in-ring action after eight months off and Smackdown moved to its new night on Thursday in the United States. Bryan's return on Smackdown was pretty good. His first match with Kane ended in a disqualification thanks to the predictable interference by J&J Security and The Authority. That was done to set up a six man tag that he won along with Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. It was a feel good ending. There was also a huge news item on Monday when Randy Savage was announced for this year's WWE Hall of Fame. It's great news because there was nobody more deserving than him. Even if it is about ten years too late, it's better late than never. Meanwhile, fans in the UK and Ireland have finally been able to access WWE Network after waiting for it for 11 long months. The official release is on Monday although many fans have been able to access it in the last week, so that's great to hear. This Monday, WWE is advertising a "Raw Reunion" in Dallas. They've announced that Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash will be there. There have been reports that the likes of the New Age Outlaws and Ron Simmons will be a part of it too. Others are likely to join the festivities as well. There's a lot going on in WWE now that the Royal Rumble is set to take place on January 25, so there are plenty of things to discuss, so here's another edition of the weekly Q&A. They are your questions sent to me on Twitter @johnreport and they are my answers. Let's get to it.