10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Jan 17)

10. Tough Enough Coaches

From @yomerman: Who would you pick as the four coaches on the new Tough Enough if they keep the same format?
It was mentioned this week that Tough Enough is returning on USA Network likely later this year, so it's an interesting question to think about. One thing that should be noted is that it was mentioned that the format will be different. We don't know how different it will be at this time. Since you asked how it would be with the same format, I really think Steve Austin as the host is the best person for the job. He has so much credibility as one of the best wrestlers ever and he was great in that hosting role in the past, not to mention on other reality shows. If he's interested, get him on the show. Bill DeMott was on the last season too and should be back because he's one of the main guys in charge of WWE's developmental process. He's tough, but fair. They need somebody that works in the Performance Center regularly on the show. If not him, then maybe Billy Gunn. A guy that I'd like to see on the show is Dustin Rhodes. Think about his career. He got a big break in his early 20s, he got over huge as the controversial Goldust, then he dealt with major drug/alcohol issues, had to go to rehab several times to clean up his life and had a career resurgence for the past few years in his mid-40s. He would be great on the show. For a female presence, there was nothing wrong with Trish Stratus. If they want alternatives they could look at women like Lita or perhaps Victoria as past divas that could probably do well in the role. It was a fun show to watch. I'm looking forward to its return.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.