10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 12)

Can the UK expect a WWE live event special on the network soon?

By John Canton /

It was another week in wrestling where John Cena put on an incredible match against Cesaro. For the second week in a row, they put on a wrestling clinic except the second time around they were given even more time (about 30 minutes) and placed in the main event position. It's an example of how great WWE can be when they keep things simple by letting their performers show what they can do in the ring. If that Cena/Cesaro match didn't make you appreciate wrestling then this should. Former WWE Tag Team Champion Tyson Kidd posted on Twitter on Monday saying that only 5% of people that suffer his neck injury live to tell their story. Kidd wasn't hurt by a botched move by Samoa Joe. It was just an unfortunate thing that happened in a match that almost ended his life. Thankfully he's okay and maybe in a year after a long road of rehab he'll wrestle again, but let it be a reminder of how the wrestling business really is one of the toughest forms of entertainment there is. It's time for the weekly Q&A where WhatCulture send in questions to me @johnreport on Twitter as I do my best to provide the answers you're looking for. As always the topics cover current thing as well as moments from the past, so let's get to it.