10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t See Their Own Downfall Coming


By Jamie Kennedy /


Some of the biggest stars in wrestling history didn't see disaster coming.


How could they be expected to? These performers were making millions of dollars, had been prized assets for their employers and were surely set in stone as big, important names for years to come. Then, everything changed and they were either deemed expendable overnight, a PR nightmare-in-waiting WWE had to distance from or had to quickly wave goodbye for reasons outwith their control.

This kind of rapid career decline always comes as a shock to the system, and fans aren't immune from the surprise themselves. Sometimes, it seems like the workers people watch on TV weekly will be around forever. They're almost untouchable... until they really aren't, reality bites and they're suddenly on the outs despite being cherished months (and sometimes mere weeks) before.


Pro wrestling can move so fast it's hard to keep up, and the downfall of the workers detailed here is proof that a relentless breakneck pace isn't always good. They went from riding high to struggling, for a variety of reasons, and some never recovered from the fall...