10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t See Their Own Downfall Coming

10. X-Pac

X Factor Wwe

It's one of life's little mysteries: X-Pac went from super-relevant D-Generation X linchpin to greasy afterthought who coined his own term for fan apathy. Crowds suddenly turned on Pac in 2000, and they'd never really treat him the same way again. That aforementioned term, 'X-Pac Heat', was one he definitely didn't want.

What the f*ck happened?

X-Pac could never have guessed that he'd go from being part of a hot stable like DX to a lousy one like X-Factor. One day, he was chilling with Triple H and The New Age Outlaws. The next, he was slumming it on episodes of Heat with Albert and Justin Credible, and fans were having none of it.

The heady heights of his peak 1998-2000 run were soiled by a 2001 that included dreaded "Boring' chants, "X-Pac Sucks" cries (despite him technically playing babyface during the whole WCW/ECW invasion deal) and a complete 180 from folks who'd previously crotch-chopped their way to school yard coolness.

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