10 WWE Stars Who Failed In WCW

Big pay cheques from Turner didn't always translate into a big push on screen.

By Martyn Grant /

The list of stars that flourished in the WWF only to flounder in WCW is a long and depressing read. From Rick Martel to Greg Valentine, countless legends of the industry found themselves on WCW payroll simply to make up the numbers.


With a bloated roster that saw everyone from One Man Gang to Shark Boy under contract at one time, it's no surprise that future names like AJ Styles, Edge and even Triple H all went under the WCW radar in favour of the Hogans of the world. Nevertheless, neglecting a potential star's talent is one thing; squandering a proven commodity is a totally different offence altogether.

During the Monday Night Wars in particular, WCW had a habit of snapping up superstars simply to hurt the competition. If a star was under contract with WCW, they couldn't fight the cause for Vince McMahon. With Ted Turner's seemingly endless funds at their disposal, the allure of big money was often more than enough to seal the deal.

As a result, the number of superstars that were misused and overlooked during their time in Turnertown is almost criminal. As they say, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

10. Brutus Beefcake

Ed Leslie has had countless gimmicks over the years, yet none were more popular than his run in the WWF as Brutus Beefcake. A Tag Team Champion in his own right, Beefcake became a high-profile part of WrestleMania IX as Hulk Hogan's partner and would ride that celebrity all the way into WCW.


In Atlanta, Beefcake became simply The Butcher and incredibly even challenged Hogan for the WCW Title in the main event of Starrcade '94, based purely on his close-friendship with 'The Hulkster'.

The following year, The Butcher became The Man with No Name before settling on The Zodiac as part of Kevin Sullivan's Dungeon of Doom. After turning babyface, The Zodiac would change his name once again to The Booty Man. Phew.

After a two year hiatus from WCW, Leslie would return to WCW one last time under the gimmick of The Disciple. With a drastic new look, Leslie was barely recognisable; however, he slotted right into his usual spot by Hogan's side, in the ever-growing nWo.

Despite having a supporting role in the Hogan/Warrior feud, The Disciple largely became a jobber after Warrior departed. Shaving his beard and appearing more like his original WWF persona, Disciple was relegated to WCW Saturday Night and Worldwide before being released in late '99.
