10 WWE Wrestlers DOOMED Without Vince McMahon

Triple H replacing Vince McMahon as WWE's creative lead is good news for some & bad for others...

By Andy H Murray /


Paul 'Triple H' Levesque assuming WWE's lead creative role bodes well for dozens of ultra-talented wrestlers who have spent years suffering for not fitting the previous incumbent's antiquated megastar model.


Should Levesque's main roster vision reflect the black and gold blueprint he once drew for WWE's future, Ricochet, Ciampa, Finn Balor, and others may soar. While it's unlikely that Triple H will completely eschew bigger wrestlers with proven main event track records and the glass ceiling for smaller uber-workers hasn't yet shattered, it has at least risen. A Levesque-penned main roster should be more of a meritocracy.

Vince McMahon's late-career star-making processes bordered on farcical. It's no coincidence that the WWE full-time with the most Superstar presence is Roman Reigns, who, alongside Paul Heyman, has a degree of creative freedom. Elsewhere, the roster is littered with first-class performers let down by suboptimal presentation and the burnt-out husks of main event flops.


The airport test is dead - and those who best fit Vince's rigid, dated ideals stand to suffer from WWE's executive switch-up. For every wrestler that moves up the card, there's one that will tumble down.

And it starts close to home...
