10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

Not as advertised.

By David Cambridge /

NXT record-setter Asuka made her long-awaited main roster bow last month, marking the beginning of what most people have forecast as potentially one of the most game-changing wrestling runs of the modern era.


But not everyone shares our excitement. WWE legend Edge has drawn the ire of die-hard Asuka disciples by expressing doubts over 'The Empress of Tomorrow's star quality. Doubts that can be broadly boiled down to: I don't see what all the fuss is about.

It's fine to have that opinion, of course. In fact, it's actually understandable considering that few wrestlers in recent WWE history can claim to have taken their first steps on Monday Night Raw amid quite the same level of anticipation.

For all her obvious talent, it's perfectly possible that Asuka could somehow fail to live up to the hype, either as a consequence of her own shortcomings, or (perhaps worse) because of weak or rushed booking on the part of the WWE writing staff.

Should that happen, she would be joining a very long list of stars who - despite their big billing - ultimately let the fans down.

10. Ryback

Ryback was never formally anointed Goldberg's successor, but anyone with thighs that big who goes on a lengthy undefeated streak - while also sporting a completely shaven head - is almost bound to invite comparisons to the WCW legend.


In reality, it's not entirely fair to hold wrestlers of the modern era to the standard of the stars of the Monday Night Wars. Ryback was trying to a make a name for himself on a totally different stage, at a time when it was pint-sized technicians who could go the distance - not musclebound monsters - who the fans were clamouring to see in the main event.

Braun Strowman has shown over recent months that it's not impossible for power merchants to get over - but whilst Strowman is immediately identifiable as the biggest and baddest man on the WWE roster, Ryback always seemed like the next Mark Henry or Bobby Lashley. Yeah: he's pretty strong, but what else?

In the end, 'The Big Guy' (an actual nickname of his) will perhaps be chiefly remembered for getting his name crossed off CM Punk's Christmas card list after botching a table spot. It's a fickle world.
