10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

9. Ted DiBiase, Jr.

ryback wwe

If Ryback was weighed down by premature comparisons to Goldberg, it was the insistence on calling Ted DiBiase, Jr. the next Randy Orton that ultimately proved his undoing.

You could see why the link was made, of course. DiBiase, like the 'Legend Killer', was born to a famous wrestling father and blessed with movie star good looks and what seemed to be natural ability between the ropes. He even joined Orton's fledgling Legacy stable soon after his debut in 2008.

But while Orton could flick a switch and become an intense, voice-hearing psychopath, DiBiase always seemed to struggle when asked to play anything other than the cocky, entitled apprentice. He had one note, basically, and it wasn't even an original one.

Ultimately, you can't blame DiBiase for his being placed in a spot for which he clearly wasn't ready, neither for the fact that his credibility was somewhat shot when he was seen getting beaten up by 60-something Vince McMahon.

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