11 Awful Names WWE Wrestlers Rejected

The 1996 King of the Ring, Fang McFrost!

By John Bills /


How important is a name? Some would argue that talent will always trump monikers, and more often than not those same voices would be correct. A professional wrestler could find themselves blessed with a truly wonderful name, only to be severely lacking in the talent department. This also goes for gimmicks.


On the flipside, a performer could have a tragic name, yet overcome it to become a huge star in the crazy world of professional wrestling. Dolph Ziggler springs to mind, a name that seemed to be immediate death for the talented performer. Whilst Ziggles may not be the top tier player he could be, he's done a whole lot better than anyone named Dolph freakin' Ziggler should do.

When a talent signs with WWE, more often than not they are tasked with coming up with a list of names they would like to use in the company, which are then added to some that the creative team thinks of themselves. This leads to a meeting of the minds, a meeting that ideally ends with the birth of a new superstar.


Sometimes a talent is pitched a name that goes beyond career suicide, names that seem tailor-made to last a couple of months at best. Luckily, the performers had the balls and foresight to read the writing that was on the wall, and politely declined the terrible names.

Here are 11 awful names that WWE wrestlers rejected.
