11 Best WrestleMania Endings
The greatest beginning is an awesome ending...

The perfect ending can erase any and all disappointment to a bad show or put the appropriate cap on an outstanding event.
For 31 years, WrestleMania has been home to some of the greatest and most unforgettable endings in pro wrestling history. Some were triumphant celebrations, the moments in which an acclaimed Superstar was given the opportunity to bask in the spotlight that comes with the most important show of the calendar year. Others saw unfathomable returns and unforgettable reunions.
Still others have been unforeseen and drastic events with far-reaching circumstances that effected months of television that proceeded them.
Whatever the case may be, fans have bore witness to many an ending that has lent credibility to WrestleMania as the premiere event in the industry. They have left fans excited about the future of the product and, in some cases, guessing about what WWE has in store for them in the immediate aftermath of the spectacular.
2016 brings us a Showcase of the Immortals that appears to be fairly predictable, with a Roman Reigns victory over Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship seemingly inevitable. If history has taught us anything, though, Vince McMahon and company may very well have a surprise up their sleeve, a monumental conclusion to this Sunday's extravaganza that has fans buzzing in the same way these 11 did.