11 Match Star Ratings From AEW All In

Was The Biggest Show In Wrestling History also the best?

By Michael Sidgwick /

AR Fox wearing a vest stained with Nick Wayne's blood before being forgiven by his opponent and dumped out of the only well-booked match outside of the superbly promoted main event.


A third match between the two best tag teams of the 21st century built questionably at best. FTR Vs. Young Bucks I saw the latter behave like sulky teenagers, the second was welcome if very random and even more sudden, and, ahead of the third, both teams just said the name of the other out loud before a really good eleventh hour sit-down interview.

A Road To All Out trios match depriving UK fans - 81,000 of them - the dream epic Kenny Omega singles match in favour of a head-canon Bullet Club lore "special".

CM Punk working Samoa Joe despite caring about him less than, what, at least 10 other AEW wrestlers?

A Stadium Stampde match that was basically booked via spreadsheet with zero believable grudge outside of the core Blackpool Combat Club Vs. Eddie Kingston dynamic. A "get stars on the card" match more than a violent grudge affair.

The build to AEW All In London wasn't just slapdash, apathetic: it was at times positively Russo-pilled.

The show itself?

Show absolutely ruled...

11. Zero Hour: Aussie Open Vs. Better Than You Bay-Bay - ROH World Tag Team Title Match

If you've never heard the expression "gentleman's three", it essentially refers to a good match with zero flaws that for whatever reason - a lack of importance, energy, emotion, something - means it is rated politely without anybody doing cartwheels over it.


This was the best possible version of a gentleman's three.

It was not ambitious, the work was solid, and there wasn't much drama to it. All of this was understandable - MJF and Adam Cole had the more important task of headlining the biggest show ever with the only hot storyline in the promotion - and immaterial.

In terms of what the babyfaces and heels should do and when, this was the most basic match you'll see all year - but also amongst the most effective. It was over to a preposterous, joyful extent.

The epitome of "did exactly what it needed to do": the match preserved the mystery that has captivated fans through an uneasy summer.

Star Rating: ★★★
