11 Most Underrated Wrestling Tag Teams That Were Short Lived

Yes, a team of Hall of Famers that held four major titles at the same time ARE underrated.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

There are some things in this life that just seem to fit together perfectly: Peanut butter and jelly, fish and chips, Matthew McConaughey and not wearing shirts. It's almost as if certain things are meant to be together, brought side-by-side with a little help from fate. Or Vince McMahon. Whichever. Some of the most exciting and unusual moments in wrestling have sprouted from the tag team division. And some of those moments are so exciting because the tag teams involved are so unusual. There's a rather storied history of kooky duos doing things together that nobody could have imagined. And it can take a lot of trial and error before the truly stellar tag teams are formed. Not all great tandems come out of the womb that way (but good on ya, Hardy Boyz). Sometimes you have to mix-and-match several different combinations before you find the one that fits. For every Booker T and Goldust, there's at least one Owen Hart and Koko B. Ware. So wrestling history is full of strange bedfellows, some more successful than others. The truly unfortunate part is that so many of the weird teams that became downright awesome were cut short because of injuries, personnel changes, or a lack of foresight by the company that placed them together in the first place.

11. Masters Of The Powerbomb (Vader & Sid Vicious)

Who doesn't like the idea of putting two obviously insane, beefed-up savages together and letting them plow their way through WCW? Vader and Vicious were two big, bad, bruisers who, despite their tag team name, had a helluva lot more in common than their propensity for powerbombing anyone in their way. (Although it was always cool to see them do the move at the same time, or doing it together on one guy. That...may have come out wrong.) They were also mentally unstable and fascinating to watch on the mic, even if they didn't always have the easiest time getting through promos. The Masters of the Powerbomb weren't your typical big man heel team. And much of that had to do with Vader's uncommon athleticism among guys of his size. It was his uncanny ability to perform wild moves like a moonsault off the top turnbuckle that made them more entertaining than the Natural Disasters type of billing they usually received.