12 Match Star Ratings For AEW Revolution 2022

AEW Revolution 2022 was a long, rewarding, and very, very special show. Mostly.

By Michael Sidgwick /

The build to Revolution was tremendous.


CM Punk Vs. MJF told an instant classic of a programme. It was an incredible recreation of a traditional good guy versus bad guy tale before an ingenious twist perfected it with stunning, modern emotional depth. Chris Jericho leaned hard into a sports entertainer megastar persona to create an ideal contrast with Eddie Kingston's realest man in wrestling. Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson meanwhile sold fans on a brutal technical fight, and it's only the first chapter of a compelling saga.

These three programmes were so white-hot that Hangman Page Vs. Adam Cole felt cold, in comparison - until the last stretch, during which Page cut an awesome babyface promo and Cole displayed his defensive brilliance in a banger trios match on the go-home Dynamite. The Face of the Revolution Ladder match and its qualifying matches promised a fun, unique take on the genre norm: three hoss giants catching dives and f*cking up puny pukes.

Even the lesser attractions, like Jade Cargill Vs. Tay Conti, were advanced with impeccable sh*t-talking. The Tornado Trios match was convoluted midcard soup stewed to get more names on the card, but that was the exception.

As for the show itself...?

12. BUY-IN: Kris Statlander Vs. Leyla Hirsch

Snug, vicious, really quite well done.


Statlander displayed her formidable power game by effortlessly throwing Hirsch down to her thigh with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker; Hirsch fired back by punishing Statlander's athletic handstand flourish by sweeping her with a kick as fierce and it was perfectly timed. She launched into a step-assisted missile dropkick to compound the damage applied to the arm, which she targeted by the ropes with a visible, camera-friendly relish.

Statlander's selling was strong. She struggled to ascend the ropes after hitting a desperation scoop slam, and Hirsch capitalised by crotching her. In a fortuitous botch, Hirsch collapsed when attempting a springboard, allowing Statlander to drop her with a body slam. Whether this was the plan or a quality spot of improvisation, the match didn't fall apart. The strikes were so full-on - the sound engineered was fantastic - that the crowd echoed with strong boo/yay chants before Statlander resumed the advantage with more wicked, unique, back-focused offence.

A protracted sequence atop the turnbuckle was more awkward than suspenseful, but the resulting near-fall from the avalanche Glam Slam/Big Bang Theory combo was excellent.

Statlander lost after Hirsch used a surplus turnbuckle located under the ring.

Cheap finish to a rich match.

Star Rating: ★★★¼
