12 Personal Rivalries That Made WWE Stronger

Nothing makes wrestling more interesting than a pinch of real.

By Marcus K. Dowling /

Shawn and Bret. Vince and Ted. Rock and Hunter. There are so many personal rivalries in WWE that ultimately made for a better product. From in-ring rivalries that involved two performers being pushed to elevate their work because of the level of excellence shown by their opponents or just folks that couldn't stand each other being put into a ring and forced to hash things out over fisticuffs and back bumps, Vince McMahon's savvy ability to recognize a rivalry and put the struggle and success those rivalries inspire onscreen for public display (and public consumption) is impressive. In including Hulk Hogan's issues with Randy Savage and the parallel issues between Edge and Matt Hardy, personal issues are here. As well, from an in-ring standpoint, TLC match combatants Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz and The Dudleys are here, as well as Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, too. As far as everything else? There's some obvious choices here, and as well some other lesser-known issues that when explained, will make sense as to why they're included.