15 Highly Underrated WWE WrestleMania Matches

There are plenty of forgotten gems throughout WrestleMania history

By Justin Henry /

When you think of 'greatest WrestleMania matches ever', some obvious selections come to mind. The Shawn Michaels-Razor Ramon ladder match. The Bret Hart-Steve Austin submission match. Either clash between Michaels and The Undertaker. Other times, less-technical bouts earn high plaudits for captivating fans on a larger-than-life scale. Think Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, or Hogan's incredible return against The Rock at WrestleMania 18. There have been so many memorable epics throughout WrestleMania's storied history that sometimes very good matches fall through the cracks. They're not exactly hard to track down and watch in a sitting, but they do deserve more praise than they get. If you appreciate a good match, and are looking to brush up on 'Mania history during this year's march toward the thirty-second annual extravaganza, here's a good place to start. To qualify for the list, a match simply cannot be the most talked about match or moment from their respective WrestleMania. The choices at hand are also a shade or two beneath what most discriminating viewers would consider a 'four-star' match. Each choice, however, makes for good viewing in its own humble form. Looking back at three decades of WrestleMania, here are fifteen unsung matches worth carrying a torch for. NOTE: All entries are listed chronologically, and the order does not reflect a preference of one match over the predecessor.