19 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Jan 19)

Matt Hardy just shocked the world...

By Jack Pooley /

Even if TNA's fresh start on Pop hasn't exactly been Earth-shattering, it's still fairly solid all the same, and there's no doubt that this week's episode is going to be remembered by fans for months and possibly even years to come. Matt Hardy took on EC3 in their "final" match, which will no doubt take the careers of all those involved in some unique directions, as TNA pulled out an unexpected trump card to finally liven up a fairly stale feud. That wasn't all, though: we also got treated to one of the worst signs in wrestling history, the formation of a new tag team, and the return of one of TNA's most memorable match types. Here are 19 WTF moments from this week's TNA Impact...

19. That One Kid Chanting For Tyrus

This week's show opened with Jeff Hardy coming to the ring to big up his brother Matt ahead of his World Title match at the end of the night, and after the two had a rather dull airing of grievances for a few minutes, Tyrus thankfully interrupted them and made his way to the ring. Cue a single, solitary fan chanting for Tyrus as he walked out, his high-pitched voice easily picked up by the mics and ensuring that EC3's enforcer has at least one staunchly devoted fan.