20 Most Iconic WWE Wrestlers Of All Time

Who really is the WWE's biggest icon of all time?

By Andrew Pollard /

To different people, the term 'WWE icon' brings up many different images of a plethora of superstars from throughout the decades.


What does one look at when classifying an icon? Well, there's that much-heralded 'it factor', then there's the charisma aspect, the larger than life persona, the ability to connect with fans, the notoriety to transcend the wrestling industry, the talent to get it done in the ring, and then, of course, there's always a slight element of personal bias from the person assessing just who really is or isn't an icon.

From the days of the WWWF to the WWF and to the current WWE, only a select group of superstars ever truly reach legendary and iconic status amongst wrestling fans, wrestling journalists and amongst their peers. These special performers are the ones who change the industry and lay the foundations for future generations of the wrestling business, raising the bar and offering unique skills that few can ever match, mesmerising audiences as they show off the extreme mastering they have of their craft.


Some may have had a brief stay in the spotlight whilst others have adorned our television screens for a decade or more, but here€™s the WWE's 20 most iconic superstars of all time.