20 Most RIDICULOUS Wrestler Physiques Ever

WWE stars who had muscles in places most people don't even have places!

By Jamie Kennedy /

The word "ridiculous" could be subbed for "impressive" here.


Anyone who has ever curled a dumbbell or performed any weightlifting exercise whatsoever will know fine well the level of graft and dedication needed to succeed. It's an all in process, but most people hitting the gym don't take hundreds of bumps per year or put their body through the grind of endless travel loops whilst plotting their next workout.

Pro wrestlers do, and that's the impressive bit. Sure, some have erm...enhanced their physiques using various means for decades, but that's something else to address: One can't simply let "vitamins" do the work. Even those seeking a helping hand need to knuckle down on gruelling workouts and put a right shift in.

This is largely a homage to wrestling's most muscliest then, but there are a few exceptions. The beauty of the biz is that workers come in all shapes and sizes. Not everybody needs bulging biceps or frankly downright scary traps to qualify. That definitely helps though.

There's way more variety to the muscle side of things than you might suspect going in too.

Aaaaaaand flex!

20. Kane

That's gotta be Kane.


The 'Big Red Machine' was no stranger to a bench press throughout his career, but there's a very specific time when Mr. Jacobs was ripped to shreds. Here's the thing (and it's a common thread running through this piece): Carrying this kind of muscle on a huge frame is tough on the joints. It's probs even tougher when someone's wrestling.

In 2000, Kane subbed out his original outfit for a see-through mesh singlet that revealed the hard work he'd been putting in at the gym. Honestly, the dude was in unbelievable condition. God-given height was already one of Kane's most eye-catching positives. Throw in arms, shoulders and legs that thick and you had someone living up to the "machine" part of his nickname.

Kane would never be in better physical shape than this, and it's still amazing that he could pack on so much size whilst working a full-time schedule on the road.
