25 Best Chris Jericho Moments

Chris Jericho's 25th year in wrestling deserves a proper tribute.

By Mike Shannon /

Chris Jericho is one of the most successful and charismatic wrestlers to ever step foot inside a wrestling ring. As one of the last products of the territory system before the Monday Night Wars, Jericho traveled around the world, working matches in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Japan, and Europe. He also had stops in all three major wrestling promotions during the 1990s.


As Jericho celebrates his 25th year in the wrestling business, it's only fitting that a wrestler of his magnitude earns a list equally as epic and dramatic. Jericho has provided fans with many memorable moments throughout the years, so it was actually difficult to narrow his career down to only 25 moments.

With stops in ECW, WCW, and WWE, Jericho has left his mark across the wrestling world and rose from an opening match cruiserweight to the first undisputed WWE champion. His promo ability was legendary and his workrate was second to only a few of the all-time greats. He had memorable feuds with Triple H, the Rock, and Shawn Michaels. He was part of some of the biggest events in recent history and was never afraid to play a heel to the best of his ability.

So, as Chris Jericho enters the twilight of his career, let us look back on one of the greatest careers in wrestling history with some of Y2J's greatest moments.

25. Chris Jericho - The Man Of 1,004 Holds


During his rivalry with Dean Malenko, Jericho decided to take the words "arrogant jerk" to a new level after defeating Marty Jannetty on a March 1998 episode of Nitro.


Malenko had long been referred to as the "Man of a 1,000 Holds" and wore that number on his wrestling gear, a nod to his superior technical ability. Jericho took offense to this label and proclaimed himself the "Man of 1,004 Holds".

After beating Jannetty, Jericho grabbed the microphone and said that he had written down all the holds he knew. Jericho pulled out a cartoonishly long list of paper that he read from. The crowd quickly figured out what was going on though when every other hold was an "ARMBAR!"

When the holds weren't an armbar, they were something ridiculous like the "moss covered, three-handled family grudunzle" or the "Saskatchewan spinning nerve hold". It was another very effective promo that made Jericho into the whiny, arrogant heel that audiences loved to hate.
