25 'WWE Superstars' Matches That Were Actually Awesome

If you regularly skip WWE Superstars, it's really time to catch up.

By Graham Matthews /

If you were to take a poll of WWE Universe members that still watch 'WWE Superstars' on a regular basis, the results would report back as minimal. Airing exclusively on WWE Network every Thursday night, 'Superstars' is known as home to WWE's biggest jobbers. From Big E to Zack Ryder to Titus O'Neil, many of the Superstars you don't see on Raw are often appearing on 'Superstars' each week, competing in countless matches against each other that at the end of the day mean virtually nothing. It's still a mystery to many at this point why the show is still around since is essentially serves no purpose in that no storylines are ever furthered and notable names very rarely make appearances on the program. However, it didn't always used to be this way. WWE took the show quite seriously when it was initially launched on WGN America in April 2009, going so far as to feature The Undertaker on the very first episode. When the Brand Split was still in effect, 'Superstars' was the only show in WWE that saw wrestlers from Raw, SmackDown and ECW come together on the same night and occasionally face each other, giving the show a unique, "anything can happen"-like feel. Even in subsequent years, 'Superstars' hosted multiple matches that would have been a hit on any other show, but because they took place on the program less and less people watched as time passed, they went unnoticed. Until now.

25. Wade Barrett vs. Trent Barreta (August 18, 2011)

It's mind-boggling to think Wade Barrett went from headlining pay-per-views for the WWE Championship against the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton to headlining episodes of 'WWE Superstars' less than a year later, but sure enough, it happened. By the summer of 2011, Barrett was mostly directionless following the breakup of the failed Corre stable, but he was looking to make a name for himself as a singles competitor. It was around this time that the winner of NXT Season 1 was establishing the "Barrett Barrage", a movement that would see him annihilate everyone who stepped foot in his path of destruction. His first victim? Trent Barreta.Easily one of the most underutilized talents during his time in WWE, Barreta was an incredible athlete that was also trying to break out on his own after his tag team partner Caylen Croft was released from WWE in November 2010. His chaotic, adrenaline junkie style meshed well with that of Barrett's hard-hitting, British brawler repertoire inside the ring, making for a very enjoyable contest. Granted, it wasn't much more than a quick squash for Barrett, but it was fun while it lasted. It just needed more time for it to have been more memorable.