3 Ups & 8 Downs From WWE Raw After WrestleMania 37

After successful Mania, WWE self-immolates with an abysmal episode.

By Scott Carlson /


There was a time when the Raw after WrestleMania was a marquee supershow, with a PPV-like atmosphere, surprises everywhere, debuts, returns, fun matchups, new angles and a feeling of hope springing eternal.


And after the first WWE show with live fans in 13 months, it felt like Monday could be a reset of sorts, a new beginning for Raw after a long series of episodes that ranged from subpar to horrific.

But no such luck for us. Raw was an abysmal failure, the worst post-Mania Raw in aeons, producing few surprises, little excitement and nothing really new and fresh to give you a reason to be hopeful. WWE effectively flushed any momentum they had from WrestleMania 37 and went right back to delivering the same old godawful program we’ve had to endure for months.

If WWE is counting on the next PPV being titled WrestleMania Backlash to save them, they might be in for a rude awakening in a month. Why is it so hard for 37 writers to script something resembling an intelligent program? It’s as if they’re playing a game of one-upmanship with stupid segments.

But hey, Mandy Rose fell on her butt at Mania, so let’s turn that into an angle with Nia Jax bullying her, getting beat up, then becoming a klutz herself, but winning because the aggrieved babyfaces who provoked the match walked out. Literally makes no sense, but it happened.

Let’s get to it…