41 WTF Moments From WWE RAW (June 6)

That dola dola makes you go hola hola...

By Ross Tweddell /

So then, as we rumbled on towards Money in the Bank, rather than the traditional Ladder Match or WWE World Heavyweight Championship pictures taking centre stage, it was the battle between the old guard and new that had the Universe buzzing.


The reformation of The Club, AJ Styles' heel turn and subsequent attack on John Cena has shook WWE to its core. The pair's singles match was confirmed for MITB during the course of last week. The dynamic of the feud is what has captivated seemingly every demographic within the WWE Universe. Of course, you've got us internet fans who are rooting for The Phenomenal One, and Big Match John (not the cartoony guy) to a certain extent; while the rest of the Universe, the families and the kids are still firmly behind Cena.

Ahead of this week's show we still had the mystery that is the seventh MITB Ladder Match spot. Does it still exist or was it cancelled during the course of last week's show? It was there at the start, then gone by the end.

And finally, what mind games would Seth Rollins play on Roman Reigns this week? That's if, of course, you can call the Hokey Cokey routine that he did last week mind games at all...

Here's 43 WTF Moments from WWE RAW, with one special Brucie Bonus round because I like to treat my subjects from time-to-time! You can also watch the video for this article, here.

41. Why Did This Need To Happen?

I realise that on paper this image would have looked iconic, but in practice it looked really stupid.


Why would each of the competitors in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match need to sit on top of ladders to conduct their business? What difference would it have made if they were just stood in the ring using nothing but their legs?

Do WWE think their Universe can't grasp the concept of the match? It would seem so. It would seem they think we can't understand how somebody needs to climb a ladder and retrieve the briefcase to win.

As WhatCulture’s own Simon Miller so poetically put it, it was bit like watching amateur theatre before someone's granddad - who I’ll mention in a later entry - accidentally stumbled onto the stage for no reason.
